NAS problem

markvandermeijmarkvandermeij Member Posts: 26
edited 2006-11-24 in Navision Attain
NAS (using NAV 360 and a Win2k server, both database and NAS are on the same server) handle itself is working perfectly, but when the NAS service is stopped and the databae server and we restart it, first the database then the NAS we get te following problem:
The NAS isn't working (trigger 99 in cu 1 cannot be found), all other users are unable to connect to the db server.
If a user connects to the db server before the NAS does there's no problem. When I start the NAS on another PC same error occurs.
If we restart the server and start the services there's no problem.
Haven't tried any fixes or new versions yet....


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    Never heard of this problem :shock:

    What are the parameters of the DB and the NAS and the clients?
    What type of account is used by the NAS-service?

    I have some (dirty) trick:
    If the NAS, fails, launch a commandfile with in it a PSKILL of the NAS (and if needed also of the DB-service).
    Pskill can be found on
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • markvandermeijmarkvandermeij Member Posts: 26

    Thx for the reply. I've used the KILL from the Win2k resource CD, which didn't solve the problem....

    The problem seems to be in a combination og Win2k server, Nav 3.60 Db server and Nav 3.60 app server. When I try to simulate the problem on my laptop (win xp, db and app both 3.60) no problem occurs.

    So the problem might be outside the configuration mentioned, may'be another service/app running on the server....
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    So the problem might be outside the configuration mentioned, may'be another service/app running on the server....
    This is possible, because I also have had W2k+DB3.60+NAS3.60 running without problems.
    Try to de-install the NAS and the DB (in this order).
    Then install the DB.
    Then do first some tests if the NAS can be run from the DOS-prompt. (to run, you need the same parameters as for installing it (except for the INSTALLASSERVICE). It will use the current Windows-user to connect to the DB. Check if all works fine in this way.
    If all works fine, try to install the NAS as service.

    BTW:is your server only for Navision, or are there also other things on it?

    Other possibility: you can install the NAS on another PC.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • deblockerdeblocker Member Posts: 19
    i run into the same problem with Nav. 3.70 on Win2K SP4.
    Do you found a solution?
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