Issue with recieving transfer orders 4Sp1

MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
I have been transfering items from a warehouse location to a not warehouse location. Lot No. Have been specified on the shipment side. If you look at the item tracking lines form for the receiving side you can see the lot no. from the shipment is auto populated in here so you can receive. Lovely.

But not always! Randomly there are items which when you go into the item tracking lines it has not populated. This can happen to one item on a transfer order of 30 items.

I have pulled out into excel and compared the item ledger entries of items that are working to items that are not. I have done the same with the item entry relation errors. There doesnt appear to be any noticable different with these entries that could explain the issue.

Has anyone see or explained this?


  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    I have seen this issue, but have not resolved it. One of our customers sees this issue about once a week. I have not been able to isolate any thing unique about the failed orders versus the ones that work. An average of 50 to 100 transfer orders post fine each week.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    thanks bbrown,

    So how do you in these cases complete the transfer? Or does the transfer order sit forever open?
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    The issue is that the "Item Tracking Lines" (Table 337 - Reservation Entry) do not create properly for the "Derived-From" lines after shipping the order. This prevents the order from being received.

    Our current solution is to manually build the correct entries then post the receipt. This is far from an ideal solution.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    Yes you were right, for some reason the reservation entry never created. There is a gap in the number series. I can not see why this might be so. Because there is a gap in the series I would imagine that the creation of the entry has something like

    IF reservation.INSERT THEN....

    so its not inserting but also not throwing an error. Anyone have any idea why this might happen or where?
  • MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    Yes recreating the missing error manually above has solved the problem for this transfer order. Still on the trail of why it occoured however.
  • nunomaianunomaia Member Posts: 1,153
    I have check in partnersource and there are several errors with item tracking, I advise you to check parnersource and see if one of the errors is most correct one.

    Sorry, I can’t put the error descriptions because they are partner confidential (Don’t ask me why :( )
    Nuno Maia

    Freelance Dynamics AX
    Blog :
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Yes, there are many issues dealing with item tracking in partnersource, but I am not aware of any that address this issue. Since we have been unable to consistently reproduce this problem, we have been unable to get Microsoft SUpport to address it.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • nunomaianunomaia Member Posts: 1,153
    I had this exact issue in NAV 3.70A. In 4.0 SP2 never happened so far that issue. So far I never found why the error happened.
    Nuno Maia

    Freelance Dynamics AX
    Blog :
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    We had it occurring in 2 4.0 SP1 sites. One of these has been recently upgraded to SP2. I am not sure if they are still having the issue. I can confirm this in the morning.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    Thanks BBrown, that would be good to know!

    Failing that I may find the line that actually calls the INSERT in reservation entry table and cause it to error when that INSERT fails. That way I might be able to catch the problem in such a way that we know why its happening!

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