
Print2Excel Video

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,496
edited 2006-09-04 in Download section
Print2Excel Video
Many users have the desire to export their printed documents to MS excel for further processing. Many times users express a wish they could export their report to MS Excel for further processing. This is the need that Print2Excel Printer will address.

Besides exporting the print out to MS Excel, the Printer2Excel printer offers sophisticated post processing options making it easier for users to get the data they want in Excel from the reports.

Basic Functionality

The Print2Exel printer works as a printer driver on the users Windows system (virtual printer). This allows the user to export any report to Excel by printing to this virtual printer. The Virtual printer has an algorithm to place the different pieces of text and numbers on a report into appropriate cells, for easy usage, by the user after the export/print has been performed.

The printer driver runs on Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The Excel version must be version 2000 or later.

Advanced functionality

To separate the Print2Excel printer product from other offers in the market, this product offers advanced post processing features, to minimize the user effort in getting the data they want from the report.


Print2Excel offers a set of advanced feature settings specified by the user as the default settings for all new documents printed by the driver. Besides this the Excel tool offers the user to establish profiles.

A Profile is a set of advanced feature settings that fit a particular report/document that the user is printing. This enables the user to create a set of settings that fit a particular report, to make that particular report useful right after it has been printed.

Download your functional demo today. http://www.simcrest.com/downloads/Print2ExcelSetup.zip


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