Finished Good Costing

vivektaurianvivektaurian Member Posts: 69
Dear All,

I need a help regarding Costing of Finished Good.I want to know how the below scenario will be handle in Navision:

The cost of finished good consist of Raw Material cost, Consmables Cost and the cost incured by different departments for per ton production of finished good.

As I know in Navision the cost of FG comes from Consumption JournalBut in this case the Consumption Journal is only for the Raw Materials, Consumables are issued to production through item Journal so they will not be a part of FG Cost in Navison.

So how to handle these scenario of Consumables & Department Cost on FG.

Waiting for reply.................
Vivek Srivastava

"Future Belongs to those who beleive in the beauty of their dreams"


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