NAV SQL database conversion

BorisKBorisK Member Posts: 45
I am trying to convert 3.60SQL to 4SP1SQL by opening the database with the new client. An error comes up:
"A 'S' was expected here".
The conversion then stops and the database is reverted back to 3.60.
Any ideas?
I really don't want to mess about with backing up/restoring using Navision backup.
Is it something to do with STX file?


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Why don't you want to mess with that? It's really the safest way to convert a NAV database.
  • BorisKBorisK Member Posts: 45
    DenSter wrote:
    Why don't you want to mess with that? It's really the safest way to convert a NAV database.
    I know! But the client's database is 20Gb in size so Navision backup restoration will take blooming ages and will require loads of disk space. Surely simple conversion should work. Well if it doesn't then of course we will have to do it the safest way... :(
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Nah 20GB should be done in a matter of a few hours. Kick it off at night and you should be set when you get back to work in the morning. Is this for a production databae conversion? I mean the actual live database?
  • DduranDduran Member Posts: 22
    It seems that the problem that you have can be of some label that in the multilanguaje propertie has the language ESP instead of ENG.The “S” is used for Yes ("Si" in Spanish).

    Du you have many developments? try to export your personlized objects in text mode and look for the 'ESP' string.

    the problem is that there is a lot of spanish language versions(Mexico,colombia,etc...) in then windows languages list and maybe coulbe anyone of them.

    If you have many developments it can be a quite laborious task and it is not safe either that this it is the problem.

    I hope to be able to help you :roll:
  • BorisKBorisK Member Posts: 45
    DenSter wrote:
    Nah 20GB should be done in a matter of a few hours. Kick it off at night and you should be set when you get back to work in the morning. Is this for a production databae conversion? I mean the actual live database?
    I suppose you're right but there are some other issues, e.g. an external SQL procedure which writes direct to SQL Tables and some old records contain lowercase characters in Code fields which causes the backup to crash.
    Or perhaps I'm just lazeee... :oops:
    Anyway I think I cracked it in the meantime - all I did is upgraded the client to hotfix 3 (build 22363). It completed the conversion but I just want to do it once again to be sure.
    Thanks all for your help including Dduran - although there is no Spanish language functionality as far as I am aware :)
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Well if you have extenal procedures writing to your NAV database with incompatible values then even a NAV backup will not work. I guess you will need to make sure everything is ok first, but that applies to any situation.
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