Frame holding subforms - problem when "make frame visib

alaupealaupe Member Posts: 3
Hi there

I create a blank form – and inserts a Frame on it. The Frame is named “Frame1” and is default NONVISBILE.

Then i add a subform to the frame.

Now i add a button which, ONPUSH will set the frame visbile.

When i run the form, the frame is nonvisible, when i push the button, the frame becomes visible, but the subform is presented as a grey box.

Does anyone know why :?: :?: 8-[


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Did you set the subformID property?
  • alaupealaupe Member Posts: 3
    Hi DenSter
    Absolutely ;-) (And, just to clarify, if i set the frame back to Visible=Yes, i will se as well frame as subform with no problem).
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    I don't know, maybe you need to set the visible property for the subform explicitly as well as the frame's. I've never tried what you are describing.
  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    Hi all,

    I did something similar to that. But I used different approach. I first default both edit and visible to <Yes> and assign the fram/form a control name in their property. Then I just code CurrForm.<Control Name>.VISIBLE(TURE/FALSE) or EDITABLE(TURE/FALSE) whenever/whereever I needed.

    It worked for me, might be able to help! :D
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