Hi...I'm a new user of Navision.
Is it possible to see the function description (with parameters and return values) for navision pre-written codeunits? For example, I am unable to edit codeunit 8 (AccSchedManagement), but would like to use some of its functions.
I had the same problem when I first try to read the code without proper license. So I turned the "debug" on and trace the code. It was pain in the neck but once I got into the debug screen I copy and paste the code into MS word. The downside is you have to know where the codeunit was used in order to "debug" it!
Hope this will help!
What you can do is create a variable in your program, hit F5, select the codeunit so you can see the functions and their parameters.
But in this way you can't see the the code behind the functions.
Another possibility:
If there is a range you can see, select the codeunit, CTRL-C, move the cursor up or down and CTRL-V. Navision will give an error and you can give the codeunit another ID and name and you can open it.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
ps: congrats on the world cup win.
But thanx anyway.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Then click on the C/AL Symbol Menu Icon (or press F5) then find the name of the global in the left column, functions in the middle column, the functions will then display as you highlight them in the lower left the parameter call will be listed.