Cash Payment

KoglehaugenKoglehaugen Member Posts: 4

I'm currently designing a solution for a company that uses invoicing and cash payment.

To avoid the post to be open when cash has been paid, I have created a new Payment Method Code in the Payment Method Code-table. It is named Cash and has an Bal. Account No. to close the payment.

In the Sales Invoice I set the Payment Method Code to Cash.
My problem is that this sometimes works fine, but sometimes not!

When I open Posted Invoices and then navigate, sometimes there are 3 G/L Entries, sometimes 5 (which is right).

I don't know what is cousing this, and wonder if someone has also experienced this.



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    What version are you using?
    The reason you'll have multiple gl entries because of cost on goods sold account and depending on how many entries the sales entries apply too. Just look at the Balance sheet accounts and you should see a
    debit to AR a
    credit to AR
    debit to the Cash account.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    this is how we do it also, I once had a user say the same thing was happening, it turned out he was make the payment terms code - cash instead of the payment method code. You may want to double check on the entries that it is not working on, that it was payment method code = cash
  • KoglehaugenKoglehaugen Member Posts: 4
    Hello again.

    I am using Navision 4.0 SP2, SQL Option.

    I am using the Payment Method Code and this is Cash. Bal. Account is 1900 (Norwegian Accounts). This means the amount should go from Receivables Account (1500) to 1900 and close the post. When only 3 entries is created, the Receivables Account is open for this post.

    I find this a bit strange, and will try different scenarioes to see what is happening. This setting must also work for all customers, so I can not create a spesial dummy customer with spesial settings.

    Sorry but my economic english is not so good; if only I could use my arms when telling you this!
  • KoglehaugenKoglehaugen Member Posts: 4
    I have made a custum version of the Sales Invoice form, with options for Card, Cash and Invoice. When Cash button is pushed, the Payment Method is set to Cash.

    Well strange enough, when I manually set the Payment Method it handles the Invoice right, and closes the post. Or is it?

    I made 3 buttons, Cash, Card and Invioce.
    I have been to quick in my programming. When Cash button is pushed this happeneds:

    "Payment Method Code" := 'CASH';

    The error is is that the code in the OnValidate on the Payment Method in Sales Header is not executed.

    So, this is not a NAV problem, it is my own.

    Result is I had to run the code that is on the OnValidate on Sales Header, and everything works fine.

    Sorry for bothering you.
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