EP: Report problem : Report is pressed together

peterke1974peterke1974 Member Posts: 23
edited 2006-08-29 in Navision e-Commerce

I have a problem with printing reports.
The layout is pressed together.
Fields, which are for example 5cm long in Navision, are pressed together just as long as the data in the field is. The consequence is that every field is printed reight behind the previous one. For numeric field is that very
When I print the report in Navision, everything looks fine.

Is there a solution for this problem?


  • ClausHamannClausHamann Member Posts: 80
    Try to save the report as HTML in Navision. You should get the same result in EP as save as HTML in Navision. Save as HTML does changed the layout compared to printing the report from Navision. You will probably have to re-design your report for it to work nicely in EP and as a HTML report.


  • flfl Member Posts: 184
    Can you please give some more details. Which version Navision? How are you printing those report because you say thay evrythings lokks fine when printing in Navision? Are you sending your report by mail perhaps, as html file?

  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    [Topic moved from Navision forum to Navision e-Commerce forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • peterke1974peterke1974 Member Posts: 23
    I use 4.0 SP2

    Saving as html also works fine. The fields are the normal length.
    Just in the employee portal, everything is pressed together.
  • IHateLinuxIHateLinux Member Posts: 223

    is it only pressed together in the window you see? Have you already printed the report?

    EP is using the function SAVEASXML of the report, which is generating the same output as SAVEASHTML used in Navision.
    As long as there is no additional style sheet used in EP, the HTML is the same when using NAV AND EP.

    Perhaps you can try the following:
    - Run the report from EP and save the generated HTML from the browser
    - Run the report over code in NAV and use the SAVEASHTML function to store the generated HTML on your local disk

    Compare these two files, they should be nearly identical.

    You may also send me the files if possible, so that i can do a comparisson.

  • peterke1974peterke1974 Member Posts: 23
    IHateLinux wrote:

    is it only pressed together in the window you see? Have you already printed the report?

    EP is using the function SAVEASXML of the report, which is generating the same output as SAVEASHTML used in Navision.
    As long as there is no additional style sheet used in EP, the HTML is the same when using NAV AND EP.

    Perhaps you can try the following:
    - Run the report from EP and save the generated HTML from the browser
    - Run the report over code in NAV and use the SAVEASHTML function to store the generated HTML on your local disk

    Compare these two files, they should be nearly identical.

    You may also send me the files if possible, so that i can do a comparisson.



    The problem was indeed the stylesheet that was selected.
    We solved the problem by changing the .css file.
    Now everything works fine.
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