When we post than record go in new table

raj002raj002 Member Posts: 8
I have create two new table Student Header and Student Lineand Two Form, which is used for to insert data in Student Header and Student Line. In Student Header Table a command button insert, his name is Post. I want that when click on the Post button than (Two new tables i.e., Posted Student Header table and Posted Student Line) the record come in Posted Student Header and Posted Student Line in respect. In Post button, What will be code write in this button, the record insert in new tables. Fields are same in respective tables i.e., Student header and Posted Student Header. I have make different No. Series in both tables. In new tables, the Primary key no. is different (For example, In Student Header No. Series in No. field automatic start ST0001,I want when click Post button than new no. series also automatic generate no. ( Posted Student Header No. Series start PST0001.
Please Help me.
Thank You.


  • mgillmgill Member Posts: 20
    see the standrad first,see how the code woks when data moves from sales header to sales invoice header,if the field id is same then transferfields can be used otherwise u have to assign manually.the same goes for line table
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