ZUP File

klelandkleland Member Posts: 19
Hello. I have 4.0 SP1 user whose zup file does not appear to be saving any settings. Even without closing out of Navision if she moves a column in one form > closes the form > reopens the form > no changes are saved. (I checked the properties of the form).

Also, she has never been asked to save her zup file. I even tried the trick of opening the database twice and then closing them.

No other users are having this problem.

Thanks for your help,



  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Tryn using the startup parameter


    This should create her zup file where you can find it. then do your test of opening two copies of the client. make some changes and close them, see if you get the save message.

    best guess is her zup is being stored in a temp directory and it is changing temp directories so the system isn't seeing the old zup.
  • klelandkleland Member Posts: 19
    Thank you very much for your time and help. It is looking to be user error instead of a Navision/zup file problem. The user was not closing out of Navision before terminating her remote session. Since Navision was never being closed properly she was not being asked to save her zup file.

    Thanks again.
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