Store text into a BLOB field

AlishaAlisha Member Posts: 217

Anyone knows how to store a line of text into a BLOB field? I don't have the line on a single file, but a xls with multiple lines, and I need to store each of them in one BLOB field.



  • lessilessi Member Posts: 33
    I'm pretty sure that you can do that if you use INSTREAM and OUTSTREAM functions (exist in V4, not sure in V3).
  • ClausHamannClausHamann Member Posts: 80
    You can use a OutStream to write a text into a blob field as Alisha said.
    OutStream1.WRITE('Text you want to write into the blob field.');   //or a variable


  • BT_MarcBT_Marc Member Posts: 30
    Cam some Body Tell me how I can make an InStream that is logner than 1024 ? I Have to Write some Text into an Word File and this text is longer than 1024.

    I Use this to export into Word
    wrdRange := wrdApp.ActiveDocument.Fields.Item(ItemNR).Result;
    wrdRange.Text :=  (Stream has to be here);
    ItemNR += 1;
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