How is WIP stock treated in Navision?
1. If i recognised my production expense for WIP in the month where expenses incurred(e.g. this month), does my WIP stock value includes the production expense?
2. Another senario will be if i recognised my production exp for WIP in the month when it is completed(e.g next month), does my WIP stock value includes the production exp?
My customer is recognising her production expense in the month where expenses incurred(production cost includes WIP expense). But her closing WIP this month also includes production expenses. Is this correct?
but if not, when you create posting group, you must create its G/L account no and set it in the posting group relate to inventory.
Another alternative, you maybe create a WIP location and transfer all values to the location by item reclass jrnl or transfer order.
I think there is maybe another solution but I will rewrite if found it...
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