Item Journal - Positive Adj - why why why Mr. Navision???

TallMikeyTallMikey Member Posts: 40
OK I'm on 4.0 SP2, FIFO Costing, and putting Positive Adjustment line in. In the Unit Cost field on the Item Journal, it puts in the Unit Cost from the Item Card PLUS the Indirect Cost %. Now, the Unit Cost from the Item Card, as I understand it, is the Last Direct (i.e. what you paid for it) puls the Indirect Cost %. So therefore, on a Positive Adjusment, it is taking what you paid for it, plus the indirect cost % TWICE. Now, Mr. Navision. why why WHY do you take it TWICE? And yes, this is the amount that gets posted to the G/L.

Excuse the sarcasm, been a long day...

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