What defines autoformat rules when no currency is entered in the field, which is used as AutoformatExpr? Help says then LCY is used, when Currency is empty, but how do i change formatting rules for LCY?
When you use the AutoFormatType and AutoFormatExpr properties to format a field, a trigger called AutoFormatTranslate in CodeUnit 1 is called. AutoFormatTranslate has ID 12 and takes two parameters; one from the AutoFormatType property and one from the AutoFormatExpr property. The AutoFormatType property contains an integer (0, 1 or 2) and the AutoFormatExpr property contains text (“ =LCY”).
If you have appropriate license, open the CU 1, find the function AutoFormatTranslate. There is this code:
CASE AutoFormatType OF
1: // Amount
IF AutoFormatExpr = '' THEN
EXIT(STRSUBSTNO(Text012,GLSetup."Amount Decimal Places"))
IF Currency.GET(AutoFormatExpr) AND (Currency."Amount Decimal Places" <> '') THEN
EXIT(STRSUBSTNO(Text012,Currency."Amount Decimal Places"))
EXIT(STRSUBSTNO(Text012,GLSetup."Amount Decimal Places"));
2: // Unit Amount
IF AutoFormatExpr = '' THEN
EXIT(STRSUBSTNO(Text012,GLSetup."Unit-Amount Decimal Places"))
IF Currency.GET(AutoFormatExpr) AND (Currency."Unit-Amount Decimal Places" <> '') THEN
EXIT(STRSUBSTNO(Text012,Currency."Unit-Amount Decimal Places"))
EXIT(STRSUBSTNO(Text012,GLSetup."Unit-Amount Decimal Places"));
10: EXIT('<Custom,' + AutoFormatExpr + '>');
Are you able to see, which table and which field is used when AutoFormatExpr is empty? :whistle:
As you can see, it is easy to find the answer, do not be afraid to try it. :-)
If you have no enough rights to open the CU1, answer is: G/L Setup is used.
Thanks, kine! Your answer is correct, but my question probably wasn't clear enough.
I have configured default rounding in "General Ledger Setup" table, but I was just unable to enter more than 5 decimal places.
Navision says in a message box: "Field can not have more than 5 decimal places" and that's all. It looks like there is "DecimalPlaces" property is set to "2:5" in this field, but it has "<default>" value.
There is a "Decimal Places" configuration for every currency in the "Currency" table, and it works well, when "Currency code" field is not empty. But when it is empty, it uses some default configuration (LCY currency) but where can I set up this default one?
Pres F1. There is written: If you have appropriate license, open the CU 1, find the function AutoFormatTranslate. There is this code:
Are you able to see, which table and which field is used when AutoFormatExpr is empty? :whistle:
As you can see, it is easy to find the answer, do not be afraid to try it. :-)
If you have no enough rights to open the CU1, answer is: G/L Setup is used.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I have configured default rounding in "General Ledger Setup" table, but I was just unable to enter more than 5 decimal places.
Navision says in a message box: "Field can not have more than 5 decimal places" and that's all. It looks like there is "DecimalPlaces" property is set to "2:5" in this field, but it has "<default>" value.
There is a "Decimal Places" configuration for every currency in the "Currency" table, and it works well, when "Currency code" field is not empty. But when it is empty, it uses some default configuration (LCY currency) but where can I set up this default one?
Amount Decimal Places
Unit-Amount Decimal Places
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Setting "Unit-Amount Decimal Places" to "2:6" in "General Ledger Setup" solved the problem.
Thank you, kine.
MVP - Dynamics NAV