Data Transfer Wizard (Navision)

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2010-08-06 in Download section
Data Transfer Wizard (Navision)
Allows to transfer the data from one to other company inside or outside of a database. The user can choose tables and the companies for transfer of the data. The difference in structure of tables will be fixed in the log file. At export /import of the data it is desirable to use a computer with high Data Transfer Rate.

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  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
  • alberto.donealberto.done Member Posts: 2
    Copy fail and client crash if you have disable fields (Inside Database option, client version 4.00 to 4.00SP3). For Example Table Nr. 3. Simply skip not "Enable" field and this tool works G-R-E-A-T!!!!!!!!

    Before (Client Crash)
                  Field_Ref := RecRef.FIELD(TabFields."No.");
                  Field_RefComp := RecRefComp.FIELD(TabFields."No.");
                  IF (TabFields.Type <> TabFields.Type::BLOB) AND (TabFields.Class = TabFields.Class::Normal) THEN
                UNTIL TabFields.NEXT=0;

    After (OK)
                  Field_Ref := RecRef.FIELD(TabFields."No.");
                  Field_RefComp := RecRefComp.FIELD(TabFields."No.");
                  IF (TabFields.Type <> TabFields.Type::BLOB) AND 
                     (TabFields.Class = TabFields.Class::Normal) AND
                UNTIL TabFields.NEXT=0;
  • lakshmivallurulakshmivalluru Member Posts: 168
    can this be used to transfer data between any version? like 3.7 to 4.0?
  • lakshmivallurulakshmivalluru Member Posts: 168
    also, what data needs to be set? and do you have any document how to setup the table data?
  • Cyber-JediCyber-Jedi Member Posts: 25
    Has anyone the problem of the export going slower and slower as the tables are being processed (selected all tables in a database)?
  • vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
    when trying to export or inside database it shows me error
    RECORDREF has not been closed. You must close RECORDREF with CLOSE before opening a new table.

    Please help [-o<
  • gianusgianus Member Posts: 22
    The same for me. I try to transfer two or more tabledata from a db to another.
    U know that must go through an export in .txt
    The FIRST table goes, at the second I get the same message "RECORDREF has not been closed. You must close RECORDREF with CLOSE before opening a new table".

    Pls Pls Pls help us, this is a GREAT tool!
    Gianni Capra
  • gianusgianus Member Posts: 22
    And, If You try to modify codeunit, at the recompilation, it comes a by-me-never-seen message, something like a form named "Error List" with a list of errors that says:
    Nr.     Tipo     ID      Nome               Tipo        Funzione        Nr. 
    errore	oggetto	 oggetto oggetto	    errore	/Trigger	riga	Descrizione
    1	Codeunit 80105	Data Transfer Mgt.  Avviso	AssignValue	67	Tipo "Binary" non supportato
    2	Codeunit 80105	Data Transfer Mgt.  Avviso	AssignValue	67	Tipo "Binary" non supportato
    3	Codeunit 80105	Data Transfer Mgt.  Avviso	AssignValue	67	Tipo "Binary" non supportato
    4	Codeunit 80105	Data Transfer Mgt.  Avviso	AssignValue	69	Tipo "Binary" non supportato
    5	Codeunit 80105	Data Transfer Mgt.  Avviso	AssignValue	70	Tipo "Binary" non supportato

    I think that translation from italian isn't necessary.

    I tried to modify codeunit adding a recordref.close before a or at cycle end...
    Gianni Capra
  • gianusgianus Member Posts: 22

    Don't consider the form.

    I added this simple line:
    in this point of the CODEUNIT: 80105, FUNCTION: DataExport
    DataExport(FileName : Text[250];CheckLicence : Boolean) 
      'Esportazione Dati \' +
      'Tabel               #1##############\' +
      'Regel               #2##############\' +
      Wnd.UPDATE(1,TabSelection."Table No.");
      IF TabInfo.GET(TabSelection.Company,TabSelection."Table No.") AND
         (TabInfo."No. of Records" > 0 )
        RecRef.CLOSE;  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<----------- THIS LINE ADDED ----------------------------
        RecRef.OPEN(TabInfo."Table No.");

    and everything's allright.
    Gianni Capra
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