Experiencing random system hangs when scrolling thru list forms.
1. Open Customer Card and press F5 to open Customer List. Scroll to buttom of list then start to scroll up. Sometimes it works fine, others it will take 30 seconds+ to move up 1 customer.
Also similar behavior in other list forms with larger record sets.
Any thoughts? :-k
There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
lots of flowfields in the list?
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
There is one flowField (Balance). Removing it does not resolve issue.
This is Version 4.0 SP2 (Build 22979).
With a large number of customers this can make the list act like that.
Thanks for the reply.
No filters are set and the form is using primary key ("No.").
Mirosoft has sent me Build 23099. This is a rolldown of SP3. They want me to test if this solves the issue.
Did the MS rolldown solve the issue?
The clustered index "fix" was a SQL script that did not update the NAV table definition. You run the SQL script, clustered index is added.... make a change to the NAV table definition, clustered index is gone again because the script did not check the box.
There is no code or predefined filters/sorting on the form. With the exception of a couple of extra fields displayed it is the standard Form 23.
I ran into a problem with the rolldown. As soon as I resolve that, I will test and let you know.
Good point. I will have to double check that.
1. Using an unmodified CRONUS (3.70B NA), I get the same 16 ms delay as when using my orginal CRONUS test database (4.02 modified).
2. Removed the UPDATECONTROLS from the modified CRONUS database. No difference.
3. Removed the UPDATECONTROLS from client database. No difference.
I have just been informed that this specific issue has been reported by a partner in the UK. The response from development was that this is 'by design'. The issue seems to stem from SQL2005 caching query plans when it fills a screen and tries to re-use the query again. The problem is that SQL2005 ends up doing a table scan instead of using the keys. We are consulting with the SQL team to try to get you a workaround if possible.
what is the latest update regarding this issue?
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
What is your opinion about the inpact of changing the value to 10000?
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
the only one who could work normaly is the dbo. my user is set as the dbo and i have no perfomance issue when opening the forms hanging for the other users....
SQL Server 2005 SP1 (Enterprise)
CPU: 4 x 3.0 Ghz Dual-Core Xeon
Memory: 24 GB
Disk System:
Controller 0 (Single Channel RAID)
Drive C: (RAID 1 2x72 GB)
O/S + Programs
Scratch space
Controller 1 (4 Channel RAID)
Drive E: (RAID 10 4x72 GB [channels 0+1])
Base SQL databases (Master, MSDB, etc)
Navision PRIMARY filegroup
Drive F: (RAID 1 2x72 GB [channels 0+1])
Drive G: (RAID 1 2x72 GB [channels 0+1])
Navision Transaction Log (F:+G: )
Drive H: (RAID 10 6x72 GB [channels 0+1])
Controller 2 (4 Channel RAID)
Drive I: (RAID 10 14x36 GB [channels 0+1])
Navision "Data FIlegroup 1" filegroup -File 1
Drive J: (RAID 10 14x36 GB [channels 3+4])
Navision "Data FIlegroup 1" filegroup -File 2
Since I'm very interested in the effect of hardware on the performance of Dynamics NAV, I ask for you opinion:
For controller 2:
Don't you tink it can make a difference to split the two RAID10s to 4 RAID10s? RAID0 of 7 disks, or two times RAID0 of 3 and 4 disks can make a big difference in performance... . Small calculation: RAID0 of 7 disks makes performance 260% better then 1 disk. Splitted in RAID0 on 4 and 3 disks makes performance 390% better. I understand this will cost you an extra controler.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Rule #1: There will never be a FAST ENOUGH computer
Regardless of the configuration we settle on, we must get someone to pay for it. The goal is to work the balance between performance and cost. Your suggestion to add extra RAID sets would require not only an extra controller ($1300), but also 2 additional drive enclosures ($3000 each). This would be a better than 10% cost increase in the existing system, and since the number of physical drive remains the same, I would expect the performance increase to be minimal at best.
Also spreading across uneven sized drives would waste space and is not recommended.
I think not. Striping 2 disks = 100%performance gain (writing the data 2 times faster). Striping 3 disks ads an extra 50%=150%, ... . So, you can make the calculation for 7 disks... . I was wrong the first time: should be 254% and 333%. :oops:
I was just asking for your opinion and I was definitally not saying this was a solution or a "must-do" for you. It is difficult to get people's opinions on things like this... . Thanks for yours.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
The drive enclosures are dual bus 14 drive enclosures (2x7). The two existing enclosures are connected to the 4 channels of controller 2. If you add another controller then we must add extar enclosures and move drives to support it.
These numbers refer to the physical drives being striped within a RAID set. In your suggested configuration you have not increased the number of drives. Adding the extra controller may result in a small increase but not 300%.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Please be sure write when this phenomena is resolved. We have a similar or even the same problem with our G/L Entries. No changes made, but if someone in our accounting department wishes to see the G/L Entries they take up to about 20 min until the select is done. Not always just sometimes - so any news on this problem would be great.
(we are also running 4.0 Sp 2 on SQL Server 2005).