Hi I am a technical writer. I need some help with regard to the following:
1. Can you please provide me with steps on how to configure an item to use dimensions and how to disable dimensions.
2. After this, when u open report setup (Inventory management | Reports | Status | Physical inventory | Physical inventory by item group), and when the fields 'Item group' and 'Item number' are empty, if u click 'ok' an error message comes in infolog window. Can you please let me know what message is displayed (I need the text that is displayed).
Can anyone help me?
Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. (Charles Mingus)
wat is the axapta version and service pack you r using?
2. if your are working on demo data: The report Physical inventory by item group works well if your installation and demo data is ok. try creating a different company account and import demo data into the new company and open this report. if problem still persists try reinstalling axapta.
1. handled through dimension groups. (inventory management/ setup/dimensions/dimension groups). disabling dimensions is not possible.
Thank you!