Hi All,
In Navision 4.0 how can maintain inventory in Base UOM(Pcs) as well as
other UOM(Box, Packs etc....)
1. My user wants to book the Sales Order in Base UOM
2. In manufacturing user will post the output in different UOM.
3. In warehouse shipment, user will get the Source document lines from
Sales Order(i.e Base UOM).
4. Shipment willbe done as per the available stock in (Pcs,Box,Packs..)
5. How can I maintain the stock in Base UOM as well as other UOM????
Need help..... [-o< [/i]
Darshan Mungekar
Senior Consultan
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
But how can I get the inventory in Base UOM as well as in other
UOM. Should I have to create new Item ledger to maintain stock
in other than Base UOM???
Senior Consultan
To get the inventory base UOM, you just select and fill base of UOM field on tab general in the item card. Then, you must also put sals UOM and purchase UOM in the same unit of measure table below your base UOM.
detail in:
1. User will book the sales order in BaseUOM(e.g Pcs)
2. Manufacturing output will be posted in Pcs, Box(100), SmallPack(50).
3. While doing warehouse shipment, User will fetch sales order lines
by using Get Source Document function.
4. At this moment shipment lines are in Base UOM, Bcoz Sales order
is booked in Base UOM(Pcs). But warehouse user wants to ship
the lines in different UOM(Box,SamllPack,Pcs), So that anytime user
can see what is the stock available in different UOM.
How can I map this functionality in Navision???
Senior Consultan
Senior Consultan
Well what you are trying is possible but for that you have to predefine the conversion factors which would be a kind of masters and then with the help of a good technical consultant u can relate during the time of get source document. Do let me know if it works other wise do let me know
I have already defined diff.UOM inItem Unit of measure table.
But I really dont understand, how to maintain stock in diff UOM.
Senior Consultan
detail in:
On the sales order if you want to sell 100 pcs, you could do any of the following
enter uom field on sales line as box and qty 1
enter uom field on sales line as pcs and qty 100
enter uom field on sales line as SmallPack and qty 2
all would be the same total qty. of items and calculate to the same amount. the same thing is what you would do on the purchase order if you where buying it.
I am not sure, but I beleive if you where going to produce 100 in each production run, then on the item card you would set the lot size to 100
If you want to see the different uom's and what is available in each, you could modify the form 515 Item Avail by location item and add a sub-form that would look to the item uom measure table and calculate the different quantitiies per unit of measure.