
STATUS change from NEW to CERTIFIED does not succeed

HoHoHoHo Member Posts: 2
edited 2003-01-16 in Navision Attain
Attain 3.10A w/ Manufacturing

When selecting the STATUS of a Production BOM from NEW to CERTIFIED with BOMs containing a *huge* number of BOM lines (no links inside the list) the system seems to hang, i.e. the Windows OS freezes. I waited for about 4 hrs, so I think Attain had enough time to finish any processes.

The actual lines number of this "extraordinary" list is 750 items. I know that with regular BOMs containing about 200 items everything is OK and the status change terminates successfully after about 8 to 10 minutes. However, executing the same with the "huge" list fails, though - in theory - the status change should be finished after 40 minutes or so (if simple multiplication using the item number ratio of 4 is permissible).

Anyone experienced the same behaviour? Or is there an upper limit for BOM lines?


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