Hello everybody,
I am quite new on mibuso.com.
I am a student and I have only less experiences in developing in Navision.
At the moment I am working on my final examination of my studies. Subject is a modeling of the standard business processes in Navision 4.0 with Event Driven Process Chains (ARIS - Architecture of Integrated Information Systems). To show the view on data in Navision I need a ER-Diagramm of the table structure (Tables of the Demo Company - CRONUS AG).
What I tried yet is: Doing Reverse Engineering on the database via ODBC with the Open Source Solution DBDesigner4. After one night running the problem here is that I got all tables but without relations.
So I found the report
http://mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=152 , which would be exactly what I am looking for.
After importing the report I wanted to execute. I got a message to compile the report before running it. So I open the design modus and tried to compile, but then I got an error, that "the variable VISIOAPP::BEFOREDOCUMENTSAVE is defined more than once".
Maybe some of you can help me here.
Another thing is: will I get problems using Navision 4.0 (instead of Attain) and Visio 2003 (instead of 2000)?
Maybe there is somebody, who can help me?
I am looking forward to hear from you. Thank you.
Also hoping my English is understandable?
Please have a look at:
This should give you some hints.
As I remeber I saw a PDF on a homepage or a Blog with an ER-Diagramm of Navision, but could not find it in my bookmarks. But I will try to find it
What have you imported? The fob or the txt-File?
It seems that you have used the txt. What happens when you import the fob-File? Because these file should not need a compile run.
http://navisionfreak.blogspot.com/ ??
To solve this error, the best solution is export the report to a txt file. Open it and change this function name. Maybe you must do more than 1 change.
The problem is that Navision function names only can have 20 characters long. Office automation functions, have more than 20 characters, so Navision only get first 20 characters. You can see it if in your Automation variable properties, you put Withevents = TRUE.
Yes - Thanks!
I hope you can use this enzi.