How to split a Sales order Line in to more than one PO

venkateshvenkatesh Member Posts: 51
i tried to spilt one Sales Order line (special order option) into more than one Purchase order through requistion work sheet.i am not able to do it.i got an error.
For example:
The quantity of the particular item in my SO lines is 10.
I gave Quantity = 4 in the requistion sheet for that item and then clicked functions->Carryout action message.i got the following error.

"Quantity must be 10 in requistion line worksheet template Name = 'richesta',journal batch name ='default',Lineno=10000"

please help me to solve this problem. ](*,)

thanks in advance


  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    If you have set qty 10 pcs and then check special order field in the sales order line, I think you must set 10 in the requisition worksheet too. try to put 4 in the qty to ship.

  • venkateshvenkatesh Member Posts: 51
    hello johnson,
    i tried putting 4 in the Qty to ship but i am not able to create a mulitple PO for a Single SO line through special order.

    For Example:
    i am having 10 quantity for a particular item in a SO.

    i want to purchase 4 qty for vendor1 and remaining 6 qty from vendor2 for that particular item in a single SO Line.
    How to create the two PO for this single SO Line.


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    In Special Orders, sales line and purchase lines have one to one relationship. You need to create a second sales line and select another vendor for it on requestion line.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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