UPS Worldship 8.5 - SQL-Server

UmknixUmknix Member Posts: 11
I'm trying to make a interface between the UPS Software Worldship 8.5 and a Navision SQL Database.
There is the possibility in the Worldship software to use any installed and connected ODBC driver to import the data.
In case of that the tablename does not include blanks and special characters it works very fine.
But the Problem is that the real Database I'm going to work with includes at least blanks in the table names. ](*,)
When I configure a NODBC driver, there is an option for "Identifiers", where I can select "a-z,A-Z,0-9,_" as valid chars for the identifiers.
Is there any possibility to set this option for the SQL Server - ODBC driver too? :-k
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