Problem with Developers Toolkit - imported objects wrong

buchhotbuchhot Member Posts: 116
Greetings you all Navision Guru's!

I want to upgrade our Navision solution based on version 4.0 to Version 4.00.01 (SP1). So I first exported three versions of the database objects to textfiles and imported them into the Developers toolkit (Base-version 4.0, cutomized version 4.0 and new base-version 4.00.01).
It looks like everything went well but then when I want the program to create a merge (which I of course have to edit manually afterwards) I had some strange errors.

When it imported the customer table ( table 18 ) of the customized version into the Dev-Toolkit it did not recognize the fieldnames correctly, but it did correct on the other two base versions.
When I check out table 18 and go to the fields tree I see the fields 1, 2 and then the field 8, so the fields 3-7 are recognized as code in a field-trigger of field 2.
How could this be, I tried importing several times (from the textfile, directly from an open navision-client). I tried the Dev-Kit versions 2.0 SP1 and SP2. But all with the same result.
What may went wrong, I am really not getting through it

I would appreciate any hint or tip.

Many thanks in advance
Thomas Buchholz
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Did you export the objects with rhe same fin.exe (or finsql.exe)?
    If you don't have done this, you can run into some problems. So best export all of them with 4.00SP2 W1.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • buchhotbuchhot Member Posts: 116
    hello kriki!

    I exported the base version 40 and the customized version 40 with the navision 4.0 client and exported the base-version 4.00.01 with the 4.0 SP1 client.

    But on the other hand if i just export the table 18 of the customized 4.0 version with nav 4.0 client and import it into dev-toolkit I get the problem, which should have nothing to do with the other import-versions.
    i guess that it is a problem with the text-export or import.

    I already checked my customizations if I got "{" in my code ni the field-trigger, which is a delimiter for fields in dev-toolkit, but negative, no such characters.
    Thomas Buchholz
    ekey biometric systems GmbH
    4031 Linz
  • SteveOSteveO Member Posts: 164
    I have noticed that if you have reserved words in your text file it messes up the Dev Toolkit.

    eg. the following words PROCEDURE, OBJECT anywhere in your code will cause problems. (but only in UPPERCASE, Object is fine as is Procedure)

    We had the case where someone had pasted some code into the Documentation trigger and marked it with the word PROCEDURE.
    The toolkit then thought it has entered a new procedure and did very strange things.

    Don't know if this helps you at all?
    This isn't a signature, I type this at the bottom of every message
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    buchhot wrote:
    I already checked my customizations if I got "{" in my code ni the field-trigger, which is a delimiter for fields in dev-toolkit, but negative, no such characters.
    This should not be a problem, because { and } can be used to put some code in comment and the DTK doesn't seem to have problems with it.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • buchhotbuchhot Member Posts: 116
    It was just an idea because my field-trigger looks something like this:

    Default_Dimension."Dimension Value Code" := Rec."No.";
    Default_Dimension."Value Posting" := 0;
    Default_Dimension."Multi Selection Action" := 0;

    DEA=Name] }
    3 ; ;Search Name ;Code30 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Search Name;
    DEA=Suchbegriff] }
    4 ; ;Name 2 ;Text30 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Name 2;
    DEA=Name 2] }
    5 ; ;Address ;Text30 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Address;
    DEA=Adresse] }
    6 ; ;Address 2 ;Text30 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Address 2;
    DEA=Adresse 2] }
    7 ; ;City ;Text30 ;OnValidate=BEGIN
    PostCode.ValidateCity(City,"Post Code");

    where the bold written part is the definition of the following fields which dtk puts into the field-trigger????
    Thomas Buchholz
    ekey biometric systems GmbH
    4031 Linz
  • SteveOSteveO Member Posts: 164
    the line: //BUCHHOLZ-END

    Try change it to //BUCHHOLZ-End

    I think END is one of the reserved words I was talking about. It must just be scanning lines for certain words and if it finds them it uses it.
    It is ignoring the fact that your line is a comment and is using the END as the END of the field validation. :-k

    Hopefully that sorts the problem out.
    This isn't a signature, I type this at the bottom of every message
  • buchhotbuchhot Member Posts: 116
    HI SetveO!

    I gave it a try, but no change. I did change the customizing-tag "BUCHHOLZ-END" to "BUCHHOLZ-End".
    Deleted the table from the DTK-Database, miported it again and got the same result.
    I once again have no fields between 3 and 7, the fileds are inserted in the field-trigger of field 2.
    Sorry, no solution yet.
    Thomas Buchholz
    ekey biometric systems GmbH
    4031 Linz
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