
Playing Custom Sounds For Scanning

SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
edited 2008-02-21 in Navision Attain
I read a post on the mircosoft website and it got me thinking.

Our warehouse does alot of scanning and when a package is closed I would like it to play a specific sound so they don't have to keep looking back at the screen to see if the order has been closed.

The sound is SOUND55.WAV which is from the Built In MS pinball game or something.

I added this code on
WMPlayer.openPlayer ('Mydrive:\MyDir\SOUND55.WAV');

Works fine But It pops the Windows Media Player Up and I just want the sound and I don't need WMP to POP in front of Navision & lose focus .

I tried the WMPlayer.ShowDisplay := FALSE;

AnimationAtStart := False
TransparentAtStart := False
ShowDisplay :=False

I get a NAv error when saving that Nav doesn't understand these params.

doesn't close anything?

Is there a parameter list or does anyone know how to get the sound only?

All the Params I could Find


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