Do you think that that will fix the problem with the scrolling bars in version 5. You can get used to it but explaining thta to the new user is sometimes difficult. What do you think? And why is this problem happening?
I think a presentation is not enough to decide whether this scrollbars suck or not. Do you have some more info than what's available inthe presentation here in the downloads?
I wish I had
I work for the end customer and have no access to this kind of information. Just thought maybe some1 else heard something about it. :whistle:
Does it mean that there is a scrolling bar issue in the current client as well? What is it? Is it only in SP2? Because SP1 is that last I used and I had no such issue. What is it all about?
I think the issue with scroll bars that some of you are trying to figure out is the unreliable way the scroll bars function in some windows in NAV.
Usually for really long lists, the relative height of the bar in the scroll doesn't correspond to the ratio of records-total:records-displayed, and as a result makes some navigation issues for users who rely on the technology in the way Windows supports it in pretty much any other application. Also, the scrollbar will sometimes become disabled in certain situations (even though the record-total exceeds the records-displayed), requiring the user to scroll or page down (with the keyboard controls) first to re-enable the scroll bar.
But for myself, having played in the v2.x world, ANY scroll bar is far better than what we had before! *big grin*
I work for the end customer and have no access to this kind of information. Just thought maybe some1 else heard something about it. :whistle:
Independent Consultant/Developer
You have just put HOPE in my eyes(
PS You can see how big that hope is!
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do. -
David Brent
Usually for really long lists, the relative height of the bar in the scroll doesn't correspond to the ratio of records-total:records-displayed, and as a result makes some navigation issues for users who rely on the technology in the way Windows supports it in pretty much any other application. Also, the scrollbar will sometimes become disabled in certain situations (even though the record-total exceeds the records-displayed), requiring the user to scroll or page down (with the keyboard controls) first to re-enable the scroll bar.
But for myself, having played in the v2.x world, ANY scroll bar is far better than what we had before! *big grin*
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer
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