manufacturing and warehouse

Jelena_PavlicaJelena_Pavlica Member Posts: 11

I have to ask you one question. I have released production order, and want to create an inventory pick document. Location in which production is occured is set that only bin code is mandatory. Production order have selected bin code for item that I am goining to make, as well as for components in BOM.

So when I want to create pick document I am going to functions and create inventory pick/put away... but when I do that he tells me that there is nothing to create...

What I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance



  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Just set the Location to Require Pick.

    Also know that posting the pick will consume everything - are you sure you want to do that?
  • Jelena_PavlicaJelena_Pavlica Member Posts: 11
    thanks a lot... I have done what you suggested and now it's OK... I have posted the pick document and this item ledger entry on production order seems ok to me.. but I have unchecked require pick option on that location just in case.... thanks a lot again...

    P.S. I just have to ask you if you think that this checking and unchecking will couse any trouble please tell me...
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    I don't think it could cause problems - what I do think is I never really got how this feature maps to real life processes. I think when materials get picked, they should be transfered to a Shop Floor Location or Bin and only consumed later, when actual consumption is reported by the workers. The way Navision does it is that it consumes is at picking. Quite strange. Does it fit your process?
  • cdowlcdowl Member Posts: 1
    The reason it is consuming when you register the pick has to do with the flushing method on your item card. This determines when the items are consumed.
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