confusing to face 2 different database navigate windows

Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
Dear All,
I am currecntly facing confusing problem where I have created COA but when I posted purchase invoice and then in navigate windows, it appears as follows:

Table Name No. of Records
Posted Purchase Invoice 1
G/L Entry 4
VAT Entry 1
Vendor Ledger Entry 1
Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry 1
Item Ledger Entry 1
Value Entry 1

when I look inside G/L Entry I've seen as follows:

Posting DateDocument TypeDocument No.G/L Account No.Description Debit Amount Credit Amount Amount Bal. Account Type
5/4/2001 a-111 220305004 Direct Cost AGOGO on 05/04/01 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 G/L Account
5/4/2001 a-111 220305051 Direct Cost AGOGO on 05/04/01 1,000,000.00 -1,000,000.00 G/L Account
5/4/2001 Invoice a-111 220305051 Invoice a-111 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 G/L Account
5/4/2001 Invoice a-111 220301002 Invoice a-111 1,000,000.00 -1,000,000.00 G/L Account

however in Cronus Database I've seen as follows:

Table Name No. of Records
Posted Purchase Invoice 1
G/L Entry 6
VAT Entry 1
Vendor Ledger Entry 1
Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry 1
Value Entry 1

It seems that the different between both database that are in my database navigate window, there is item ledger entry, but in the cronus no item ledger entry. and the G/L is four in my database but in Cronus is 6, how can both database be different? in where I made a wrong in creating database..? I apreciate your answer so much. tku



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