The system is hanging when attempting to add a user to the Database Logins table. These are the steps.
1. Create SQL Login thru SQL Management Studio
2. Open Navision and add user to Database Login table. When moving off record (insert) the system hangs.
When looking at the SQL Activity Monitor, it shows the current activity as sp_grantdbacess with a return code = 1 (failure). It also shows the session being blocked and waittype = LCK_M_SCH_M. The session that is blocking is the same user.
This is the only user logged in.
Any ideas?
There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
Independent Consultant/Developer
I do add to Server but not DB.
If you add the user from SQL Management Studio first the schema assigned is DB0. Which is not correct.
I am only having this issue on one system. My develop system works fine.
This system was working. The Navision DB was deleted. A backup of a c/side db was made (after running migrate). A new Navision SQL db was created and backup restored. This occured during the sync.