2 Customers orders in 1 Production Order

sblotsblot Member Posts: 21
I can't do what I what :

I have 2 sales order to 2 differents customers for the same item :

order 1 customer 1, qty = 500 for item
order 2 customer 2, qty = 1000 for item

I want to make only one production order with 2 lines :
line 1 qty=500 link (order tracking) with order 1
line 2 qty=1000 link (order tracking) with order 2.

I have try some parameters, but don't succeded. I don't want to use the reorder cycle because I don't want a single line with qty =1500 on my production order.

any idees?


  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    I think it's not possible by standard - you either get it summed up or on different orders if you use an order-by-order replenishment. I think it's only possible by development. I'd suggest to use different order - it's a lot easier to manage the business process, becase then people know that printed Job Card X is for Sales Order Y.
  • sblotsblot Member Posts: 21
    the developpment, I suspected it :(

    In fact is not to do manufacturing process but use the manufacturing module for a transport process :D

    But I looking for minimal developpment.

    Thank's for your reply
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Manufacturig module for a transport process? Jeeeeeeeeesus... :) And how?
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