Hello everyone,
I am trying to find out how to integrate MS Project with Navision. I saw a few posts about having to use MS Project as the Automation server and Navision as the Automation client. I'm assuming I'll have to create variables of type automation and ms project and then use the methods behind that variable. What I'm trying to find out is if it would be possible to create a project plan in MS Project and then create a dataport or xmlport to import that plan into Navision and have it look very similar to the project plan like how you would see it in MS Project, with the indentions. When you save the project the file extension is .mpp, should I try to import it straight from the file or save it as an xml file or csv file? I'm thinking since I have to use an Automation variable, that I can just save it as .mpp and open the file use the methods of the variable. Could someone please provide some insight?
Also if I needed to let's say update something in Navision over to a Project Server and vice versa, what would be the best way. I saw that others suggested to use NAS and windows message queueing. I was wondering if this could be done from just using Automation and not those other suggestions?
Please feel free to provide any insight!
Thanks in advance,
i also posted such a query ,automation is one way but recently i found another way -microsoft project to erp connector starter solution ,which can be used to implement the same thing.rite now i m searching to find a way to schedule navision to drop xml files on a regular basis to a specified location.if tat is done tat could be a more simple & efficient soln i think so ...
r u able to find solution using automation method ??
Technical Consultant
Wipro Infotech
I trying to integrate Navision 4.0 with MS Projects. I'm trying to achieve this using automation variable. Also, I've installed MS project, but I'm unable to locate the OCX which can be used as an automation variable. Can anybody help me on this?
i think if u have installed msp u can select its library when u r creating automation variable .by using automation method u can only do one way implementation from navision to msp wat abt msp to navision,u have to find other way ?
Technical Consultant
Wipro Infotech