Adjust Cost - Item Entries Report Error in Ver. 4.01

jetins9810jetins9810 Member Posts: 55
Dear All

i am running the report "Adjust Cost - Item Entries" Report. after some
time the system show following error message

There is no Value Entry within the filter.
Filters: Item Ledger Entry No.: 512217

i check the value entry table the entry "512217" is there in the value
entry. The entry also exist in ILE. Please let me know the cause of
error and possible solution for this.

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With Thanks & Regards,
With Thanks & Regards
Jetinder Saini...........
CorporateServe Solutions Pvt. Ltd......India


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    filter value entry where "Item Ledger Entry No." equals to 512217. not entry no. In value entry table there is a field called "Item Ledger Entry No.".
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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