I have searched the forum and read what i could on group footers. I am having strange troubles with a particular group footer.
my report data items:
-Value Entry
--Sales Invoice Line
I have a body section to output Item no.
I have a body section to output sales invoice line data.
I want to put a group footer on No. from the SIL table. I have an active key using No., but the grouping does not seem to work.
I get output such as:
Item Description
invoice#A customername item#123 itemname price listprice deviation
invoice#B customername item#123 itemname price listprice deviation
invoice#C customername item#123 itemname price listprice deviation
I want:
Item Description
invoice#A customername item#123 itemname price listprice deviation
invoice#B customername item#123 itemname price listprice deviation
invoice#C customername item#123 itemname price listprice deviation
What could I be doing wrong?
kind of fell into this...
//slaps forehead.
thank you.
same report, different question:
this report is supposed to show only sales invoice lines where the sale price differs from the list price.
I have PrintOnlyIfDetail = True for Item so that it won't output items we sold none of in the period.
I then restrict output of sales invoice lines to exclude where the sale price = list price (no deviation).
Problem is, i've already wrote the body section for the item in the first dataitem, so i end up with items with sales but no deviations taking up space on the report.
I attempted to use MARK, and then create alternate dataitems (and the subsequent sections) to show only those records that had been marked, but it did not seem to work quite right. If I ran the report for a single item, it would give the expected results, but unfiltered, it would stop working as predicted. Is the MARK line of thought valid in this application?
sorry, i'm not a developer and the help files for MARK aren't that helpful.
I don't understand..space?
okay. PrintOnlyIfDetail prevents any items without value entries from being written to a body section. That means ALL items with value entries get a body section written.
In the SIL C/AL I said "IF deviation <> 0 THEN oktoprint := TRUE." In the body section, I say, "IF NOT oktoprint THEN currreport.showoutput(FALSE)." This prevents all SIL where there was no deviation from printing, but say all SIL were okay for an item, it is too late to stop the item section from being written.
here, i wouldn't want item1, item2, item5, or item6 from being output. they take up "space" and waste paper. i'd rather it look like: