question on closing inventory to be brought into the system

shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
Hi Experts...

My clients have given me the closing stock of all the items they have in their inventory.

They are gonna start afresh with this stock in Nav from next week. What is the best way to bring in these data into the system???

Is passing item journal entry the correct procedure???

The details to be into the system are:

Product group code,item number,description,qty,value,batch number(Lot number).

Awaiting your reply

Warm Regards


  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Use the item journal, then post it.

    On a side question, how long have you worked with Navision? Is this your first implementation? Do you have a project manager or someone who's familiar with Navision working with you?
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    If u find it difficult to enter all the data in Navision directly then use dataport for inporting it as data prepration is relatively easy in Excel.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Directly importing closing inventory to the Journal can be quite annoying as it will stop at each nonexisting Item No. etc. And such things always happen. You can either do this:

    or import it to the Journal with a dataport, but without validation, then write code to check Item Nos. and other relational data and then validate it with another code.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Hi Experts...

    My clients have given me the closing stock of all the items they have in their inventory.

    They are gonna start afresh with this stock in Nav from next week. What is the best way to bring in these data into the system???

    Is passing item journal entry the correct procedure???

    The details to be into the system are:

    Product group code,item number,description,qty,value,batch number(Lot number).

    Awaiting your reply

    Warm Regards

    Are the items setup and you just want to import the new qty on hand?

    we did something like this
    First we created a dataport to create all the items
    then another dataport to the item journal for the qty's
    "Item Journal Line"."Journal Template Name" := 'Item';
    VALIDATE("Item Journal Line"."Journal Template Name");
    "Item Journal Line"."Journal Batch Name" := 'Default';
    VALIDATE("Item Journal Line"."Journal Batch Name") ;
    "Item Journal Line"."Posting Date" := TODAY;
    "Item Journal Line"."Entry Type" := "Item Journal Line"."Entry Type"::"Positive Adjmt.";
    "Item Journal Line"."Document No." := 'DataLoad';
    IF (NOT Item.GET("Item Journal Line"."Item No.")) OR (Item.Blocked = TRUE) THEN
    NextLineNo := NextLineNo +10000;
    "Item Journal Line"."Line No." := NextLineNo;
    VALIDATE("Item Journal Line"."Item No.");
    "Item Journal Line"."Unit Amount" :=  AvgCost;
    "Item Journal Line"."Unit Cost" := AvgCost;
    IF "Item Journal Line".Quantity < 1 THEN
      "Item Journal Line".Quantity := 0;
    VALIDATE("Item Journal Line".Quantity);
    VALIDATE("Item Journal Line"."Unit Cost");
    VALIDATE("Item Journal Line"."Unit Amount");
    VALIDATE("Item Journal Line"."Unit Amount",AvgCost);

    note it's crucial to get the costs correct at the beginning else it will be a headache for a long time.
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