duplicate data in report

Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
Hi expert. Recently I created a report, and everything runs fine except one field which is duplicate in several lines. I create a report on four tables, which inludes sales header, sales line, items and other one which I create a record variable. I group item No in the the sales line table which goes fine, and I also group Item no. in the item table , but there is probelm. I put the inventory field of the Item table in the group header section of Item table, but it didn't group the inventory Number at all and it comes to several lines until the Item NO is over. Here is output:

ITEM Date Sales Quanity Inventory Quantity Left
07/01/06 5 50
07/04/06 8 50
07/10/06 15 50
07/13/06 10 50 12
How to get rid of the too many lines of 50. No matter how I tried, it didn't work. Expert how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance!!!


  • NRNR Member Posts: 78
    I believe you are printing these lines in the body section.

    Note :
    If you have grouped on the No.,Item No., then you should select the sorting order also as No.Item No. for the appropriate grouping.

    Also that if you dont want duplicate items to be printed, use the Group Section ie the header or footer to display the field values instead of the Body Section.
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    That's what I did in the report. I did some reports before, but it never happened. Does it mean that if the second datatiem is grouped, it will not work? Because I put the item no in the group section, it didn't group at all.
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    Perhaps I didn't make it clear in my last post. I do Group and didn't put it in the body section.
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