Incorrect Error Messages

KaetchenKaetchen Member Posts: 106
Hi Guys,

Does anybody has the same problem?

Sometimes I get error messages where the message suppresses characters like:

When I try to post and calculate the VAT Posting Settlement an error message appaers saying:

Gen. Posting Type must be in G/L Account No. ="XXXX"

In fact what the error message is suppose to say is:

Gen. Posting Type must be not in G/L Account No. ="XXXX"

It does happen in more than one cases and the explanation of our Navision Developer was as follow:
The exchange rate program generates the journal which goes through the
'generic' posting of g/l journal. It test the field under certain
condition, this message is deep down in levels below. It is not always
possible to display the message as we see it without extremely great
effort( ie not cost justifiable)

It is saying it should not be blank, it prints out what the value of the
field is, which is blank.
Normally if you enter a journal manually, and the message comes out you
know what it mean.

Yes it is frustrating. Be good if the calling procedure could
encapsulate the message and have the message thrown up closer to the

But what is an error message worth if it is not correct?

Can you confirm that it is not "cost justifiable" for Navision to display error messages correct?



  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Both of these error messages seem imcomplete. I would guess that they are from a TESTFIELD statement somewhere in code. A TESTFIELD would result in a message like:

    Gen. Posting Type must be 'XXX' in G/L Account No. ="XXXX"


    Gen. Posting Type must not be '' in G/L Account No. ="XXXX"

    Run the debugger and post the code where the error occurs.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • KaetchenKaetchen Member Posts: 106
    Sorry I am just a user and don't have access to the code units.
    This is why we have a contract with our Navision partner, but because we encounter so many problems with this software package we wonder what is wrong.

    So I understand that this is not a standard Navision problem rather an individuel where changes have been made to the standard software?
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Running the debugger does not require a developer's license. Just turn it on (Tools - Debugger - Active). (Turn off BreakPoints). Then run the function that produces the error. The debug screen will display at the code that is causing the error.

    Post this info.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
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