Database update is resetting Zup file

StilStil Member Posts: 10
First off, i am not a developer of Navision but an end user. I am posting this question because i didn't believe the answer i got from our 'tech' support personnel.

Every so often our (users) settings get reset. I am talking about what columns you can see and which you can't. We each have to go back and choose which to show and which to hide. I was told that this happens whenever we do an update to our database. By update i am talking about adding new items, deleting old, and/or making changes to descriptions/pricing.

It doesn't seem like this should be happening. I could understand if the update was adding or deleting fields, but how does adding/deleting data make our setting be reset?

If i make a copy of the Zup file and keep it in another location, would i be able to overwrite the 'new' zup file with my old settings?

Another question is what happens if the Zup file is deleted. Will it be automatically created with defaults upon the users first use?

The answers i got from our 'tech' support personnel were geared to management and I am looking for a technical answer other than "Well that is just what happens and we can't do anything about it."

Thank you for any information you can give me.


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Stil wrote:
    I was told that this happens whenever we do an update to our database. By update i am talking about adding new items, deleting old, and/or making changes to descriptions/pricing.

    This sounds like changes are being made to forms/tables for example - if you move a fields around or add a new field. When the form is compiled it resets your settings.

    It shouldn't happen with adding a new item or price change.

    Is it every form your losing your setting or just 1 or 2?
    then maybe the SaveTableView property is set to NO
    zeninoleg wrote:
    Take a look at these properties of the form

    SaveTableView, SaveControlInfo, SaveColumnWidths, SaveValues, SavePosAndSize

    They are responsible to save any user specific changes made to the form. You can set any of these properties to "yes" and achieve needed result.

    Is this something that's happening new or has it always been this way (losing settings I mean)?

    If you delete the Zup all your setting will be reset.
  • StilStil Member Posts: 10

    It happens to only 1 or a few forms at the same time. I think they are adding/deleting fields and just not letting us know. Maybe something on the backside that we would never see. If this is the case then i can see why the zup file is being reset.

    This being the case, if i overwrite the current zup file with an old one then will Navision not work or will i just not be able to 'see' the new changes?

    Will the zup file be recreated if it gets deleted?

    Thanks for your response.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    yes the zup file will be re-created.

    In fact some answers to Nav problems IS to delete the zup and kind of "Start Over".

    It could be any change - not just moving fields but adding some code - changing a color - anything. Anytime the form/table/report etc is recompiled you will lose your settings for that particular object.

    I have also noticed all user setting were lost on a database restore from backup.

    Where exactly is Location: ASDF :-k :D
  • StilStil Member Posts: 10
    Thanks Savatage for your answers. Now i now what is happening and as long as they keep changing the forms we'll just have to live with it. :(

    As for my location being ASDF, for some reason when i signed up it wouldn't take my information. I kept having to reenter the password i wanted to use and the information i had previously entered. I finally got registered but had put ASDF in because i got tired of reentering. :)

    Fixed now.

    Thanks again.
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    You can save a copy of the zup file and use it, I do it as a matter of regular practice, our users are all on a terminal server, I store zups in one place and back those up, if a user has a problem, like they set so many filters on something that they no longer can open a form, I delete the zup and copy the backup back to the directory, and everything works, it is magic to the users. Of which I am one, I am not a developer, but I do change forms.. You have nothing to lose by trying it. If you have a problem, you can always delete the Zup and start over again.
  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    If your developers are customizing the forms, you could ask them to change the defaults on which fields are visible and invisible - for the ones that are the same for everyone at your company.
  • StilStil Member Posts: 10
    Thank you all for your suggestions. They help alot.

  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    I want to add something about managing the setup files .

    You can locate the zup files in different locations and use this setup files for each client. You can also tell the program to change which zup file you want.

    In the target field of the Navision shortcut you can write something like that:

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\finsql.exe" ID=C:\Documents and Settings\ufuk.asci\Desktop\super

    Then the program writes the changements in this setup file. If you temporarily remove the ID part, then the changements will be written in the default fin.zup file.

    Best Regards

    Ufuk Asci
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