Returning to deleted Document (Warehouse receving on Trans)

MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
Hi guys,

Having a problem on 4. When you are doing a transfer from location to warehouse location you first post a shipment then you create a warehouse receipt. This all works fine and when I post the receipt I get a message saying the transfer order has been deleted. (Fine, as its finished so delete it).

However you now CLOSE the window that you did the receipt in, thus taking you back to the transfer order screen. Navision now tries to display you the order you were on, but since this has been deleted Navision throws an ERROR and crashes out to windows.

How, in code, Would you normally deal with a user returning to a record that has been deleted. I assume its something in the onactivate() trigger which will check if it needs to display a different record?



  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    An example can be seen in the OnFindRecord of Form 42 (Sales Order).

    Form - OnFindRecord(Which : Text[1024]) : Boolean
    IF FIND(Which) THEN
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
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