Hi everyone
Can anybody assist here I created a database which is SQL logins based and restored a backup on it.
But the problem that i was getting was the log file was growing in seconds. I ended up having to kill the restore and do it in a more bigger harddrive.
The autoshrink option was ticked and when i went to the directory to check on the log file , the log file is still huge.
The error that i'm getting when i go FILE > Database > Alter is
"You cannot enter '2147483648 KB ' in Integer. The cursor is in front of the invalid character.
If a screenshot is required to look at this error please e-mail me on this address : -
Shrinking the log only gets rid of unused space up to the file size that you set in your database setup. If your TL contains lots of transactions, then the log file needs to be as big as it needs to be to hold those transactions. So if you have 2GB of transactions in your log, then that file will need to be at least 2GB. If you set your log file to be 150MB, and it contains 10MB of transactions, then shrinking the file will only shrink it down to the 150MB. If you have a lot of unused file space in your log, you can set the file size to a smaller size and try again.
Open Enterprise Manager and expand the console root until you expose your database, and the select it. Then click on View, Taskpad. In there you can see a visual representation of the files, and how much of it is used.
What you can do to purge the TL is run a full SQL Server database backup (including a TL backup) and that will get rid of all committed transactions from the TL. Read Books Online (Start, All programs, MS SQL Server, Books Online) for information on how to run backups.
By the way, if you are talking about a development or test database, you should really set the recovery model to simple. This makes it so that the TL is only used for active transactions.