
Payment Tolerance

dmonahandmonahan Member Posts: 6
edited 2006-07-27 in Navision Financials
Could someone help me with this one?


Max. Payment Tolerence has been set to €5.00 (with payment tolerance warning ticked), a customer invoice valued at €100.00 and payment arrives in to the value of €97.00 for this invoice - when the payment is applied to the invoice the warning appears which is correct.

However, if a payment arrives for multiple invoices - eg. payment from a customer arrives totalling €976.00 to be matched against the following invoices:

INVOICE 1... Value - €300.00
INVOICE 2... Value - €200.00
INVOICE 3... Value - €200.00
INVOICE 4... Value - €200.00
INVOICE 5... Value - €100.00

It would appear that the tolerance warning amount in this case will be €24.00 - is there any way that the tolerance warning amount could be set to €5.00?

In a nutshell, do not want a payment tolerance of €5.00 per invoice - instead have the payment tolerence applied to the payment value.

Thanking you.


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