excel-buffer question

mike.bmike.b Member Posts: 11
If have a problem with the excel-buffer, when clients are connected with citrix. Navision is trying to start "excel" on the citrix-server. But excel is not installed there for performance-reasons. :?
So,can i start "excel" anywhere else, maybe on the users workstation?
any idea?



  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    All apps that you need to run from Citrix must be installed on the Citrix server. I would say if your users need Excel, and it's not installed on Citrix, then that is a whole performance issue in itself :).
  • mike.bmike.b Member Posts: 11
    All apps that you need to run from Citrix

    ..but that's the question:
    Is it really necessary to run "excel from citrix", or is it possible to start excel on the workstation..???
    Maybe by changing a path or directory somewhere? :oops:
    It's just an idea :cry:


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    No mike.b, you cannot do it. You could write your program to csv file and then store it on local drive, which then the user can open with a local excel program.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    You can ask the same question more than once, but the answer is still the same :)

    If you want to run something in Citrix, you have to install it on Citrix. It's nothing more than a video into a windows session on the Citrix server. You're not running the app on your computer, you are looking at a windows session that is running on the Citrix server. All you see is screenshots.
  • mike.bmike.b Member Posts: 11
    ok, i believe .. :roll:
    so i will have to go the "csv-way".
    thx very much

  • seerekseerek Member Posts: 1
    Hello mike

    Despite all you read earlier, there is one way to do it :twisted:

    My solution is based on tha ability to redirect COM object to another computer (DCOM).

    Navision (we use 3.70) to produce Excel is using "Excel Application" COM object
    First of all you must fool Navision that Excel is installed and redirect it to user machine.
    To do this you must install following registry entries for each account on the server (just copy it to the .reg file):

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="Microsoft Excel Application"
    "RemoteServerName"="<USER MACHINE IP HERE>"

    @=&quot;Microsoft Excel Application"

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Implemented Categories]

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Implemented Categories\{000C0118-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]




    Just change <USER MACHINE IP HERE> to the ip adress of your user machine. Remember that it must be installed for each user, with its ip adress or network computer name.

    Now the second part on the client machine (I assume that Excel is installed on client machine):
    1. Create local user with exactly the same login and password like on the server
    2. Go to Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Component Services
    a)Go to "Component Services"->Computers and right-click on "My Computer" for Properties
    Go to "COM Security" tab and give full access for this local user in all 4 permissions (check all local and remote boxes)
    b)Now go deeper to "Component Services"->Computers->"My Computer"->"DCOM Config" and right-click "Microsoft Excel Application" for Properties. Then in "Identity" tab select "The interactive user".
    c)In Windows XP Explorer (don't know how this work in win 2000) go to "Tools"->"Folder Options" select "View" tab and disable "Use simple file sharing" check box

    It requires little work, but this way you don't need to buy another excel licence for each user.
    Note that this work well only in local network. If you have users in another city be ready for looooong excel creation. This is because Navision calls COM methods for each cell and for each call it waits for answer.

    Hope this helps
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