Appreciate if someone can help give some insight in this strange incidence.
I first created a new menu plus some menu items in a native database (Nav 4.0)
Then I import the menu object to another native database (Nav 4.0 SP1). I have no problem switching companies, using the application and maintaining the menu.
However, when I repeat the exercise for another database under SP2, the application just disappears after I have selected a company. When I attempt to open it again as a single user, it tells me it is in use. The application is not minimised. I had to open the database again and then close it before I can use the database again. When I deleted the modified menu object, everything is fine.
Is there anything special between the menusuite for Nav 40, SP1 and SP2?
What other options are there other than manually creating the menu again?
Thank you for your advice.