If you talk about license, it will be relate to RMDX (Read, Modify, Execute, Delete) or even add. The roles must be set up. There is a lciense viewer that can be downloaded from this forum. Just use search the forum with words "license viewer".
Also, license viewer is limited because it relates to user's condition assigened by super user.
They have to have a license for the forms designer object 7120, to have access to menu items and navigation pane.
"You use this granule to change existing forms (windows displayed on the screen for data entry and inquiry), and it enables you to create 100 new form objects (numbered from 50,000 to 50,099). You can match the data entry screens with input data forms or create custom screens by user for field-level security. For example, you can change the Sales Order form to look like the order pads used in the field. Or you can create a Customer Card form for staff members that do not have access to the Credit Limit and Blocked fields. This granule does not include access to C/AL from forms.The Form Designer granule enables you to take advantage of the functionality included for developers in the Navigation Pane Designer. This means, for example, that you can create new menu items."
Also, license viewer is limited because it relates to user's condition assigened by super user.
detail in:
"You use this granule to change existing forms (windows displayed on the screen for data entry and inquiry), and it enables you to create 100 new form objects (numbered from 50,000 to 50,099). You can match the data entry screens with input data forms or create custom screens by user for field-level security. For example, you can change the Sales Order form to look like the order pads used in the field. Or you can create a Customer Card form for staff members that do not have access to the Credit Limit and Blocked fields. This granule does not include access to C/AL from forms.The Form Designer granule enables you to take advantage of the functionality included for developers in the Navigation Pane Designer. This means, for example, that you can create new menu items."