Restore backup database file in SQL server

Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
Dear all,
I find this following error message when I open navision database server from a client computer:
there was a time-out in an attempt to establish a connection with the server (TCP/IP error ETIMEDOUT). See the network documentation for additional information. Contact your system manager if you need assistance.

I use nav. w14.00.02, install the navision database server using windows XP 2002 SP2, set servername when installing, set IP in hosts, installasservice, run server.exe, open the database from the server, I also put database file (*.fdb), in the same folder with server.
Could you tell me the solution for the problem above..?I apreciate your answers.tku



  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    I am not open SQL server, I use Native Navision Database Server. and open the server from client computer, the network uses router.

  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    I am not open SQL server, I use Native Navision Database Server. and open the server from client computer, the network uses router.

    If you are not using SQL-server, why did you use "Restore backup database file in SQL server" as title? :?

    Try first a ping to the server to see if you can reach it.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    Dear All,
    For BlackTiger:
    It's really not good work I've done. I am very sorry for this wrong subject.
    I repost the new subjet now. I am sorry for this mistaken.

    For Kriki,
    I have had ping it, it works good but when trying to access the server, not work. I am very stressful for this situation

  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Other possible reason:wrong port on client.
    If you don't use the standard port, in the client you can put the port directly after the ip-addess of the server to connect to the Navision.DB.
    meaning port 4000 on IP-address
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    BlackTiger wrote:
    CHECK "PROTOCOL" parameter for server and client.

    Change this stupid setting from "TCPS" to "TCP".

    Call network admin to tune up network settings.

    Simplest reason - Windows Firewall on "server".

    I have made TCP setting. But nothing changes, still got problem. I will not call the admin, since it is not his setting is the source of the problem I think. I have set not the firewall.

    Kriki wrote:
    Other possible reason:wrong port on client.
    If you don't use the standard port, in the client you can put the port directly after the ip-addess of the server to connect to the Navision.DB.
    meaning port 4000 on IP-address

    When installing navision database server, in the server name field I create SERVER.
    In services, I create nothing since I use DNS setting but in host I create SERVER

    I have set tcp to be SERVER 3000/TCP, but still got nothing.

    What do you mean about the port here..?

  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    We didn't use LAN for this situation, do you mean the port and the IP you mentioned set in the IE--> option --> connections tab --> LAN settings button...?
    THis problem really stressful. I have read one of navision's moderator sugesstion how's to set microsoft navision database server here in this forum but it seems fail only in the computer but in my computer work goods.

  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    Dear All,
    The server is corrected now, I don't know if maybe there is a setting inside it, but the network administrator did something.
    Anyway, the problem is arrising now where when actifying server, I must do this following steps:
    1. Run command.exe
    2. c:\cd program files
    3. c:\program files>cd microsoft business solutions-navision
    4. c:\program files>microsoft business solutions-navision>cd database server
    5.c:\program files>microsoft business solutions-navision>database server>server.exe
    then my server is running and can be accessed by client in other computer after do the above steps.
    when go home, I must press Esc and Enter

    Could you let me know how to skip the above mentioned step..? I have tried to download one of this forum moderator's sugestion (he posted it and I downloaded) but not work. I appreciate your answer very much.

  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    You should install the Navision Server as a Windows Service. Run SERVER.EXE ? from your command windows. This will give you the list of available parameters. The run SERVER.EXE along with the approprite parameters and include the parameter INSTALLASSERVICE.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    Bbrwon wrote:
    You should install the Navision Server as a Windows Service. Run SERVER.EXE ? from your command windows.

    I have installed it but I can't still access from client computer. if I run server.exe from command windows it means i still have to do the steps I've mentioned.
    are there any other way..?

  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    You should start the service from Control Panel or with the Net Start command.

    Did you select NETTYPE=TCP when installing service? And are you selecting the same net type on the client?

    Can a locally installed client (on same computer) connect to the service?
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    Bbrown wrote:
    You should start the service from Control Panel or with the Net Start command.

    Did you select NETTYPE=TCP when installing service? And are you selecting the same net type on the client?

    Can a locally installed client (on same computer) connect to the service?

    Everything is ok. but the problem is I don't want to run the server.exe from command.exe windows. If I do, the steps that I wrote is still doing by me, but I dislike that steps.

  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools -Services and set the Navision service Startup property to Automatic. This way the services will restart if the server is rebooted.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    've done what you said but If you need to know about what I have done, just click this link:

    all the things written there is done by me but the problem is that when I click start of microsoft navision business solution SERVER in the service windows, it works good, but though I did it, I am not still able to open the database name = SERVER except doing the step I wrote in my previous post.
    Do you have other solution..?

  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    Bbrown wrote:
    Go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools -Services and set the Navision service Startup property to Automatic

    to Bbrwon, I've done that but it always appear error message when I opne database server with server name is SERVER. Do you have any other solutions..?

  • mbmartinwambmartinwa Member Posts: 18
    You will need to initially attach the database to that service. When you connect to the server, put the local path to the Navision database in the "Database Name" field of the connect dialog. e.g. c:\program files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Database Server\database.fdb.
    Michael Martin
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    You will need to initially attach the database to that service. When you connect to the server, put the local path to the Navision database in the "Database Name" field of the connect dialog. e.g. c:\program files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Database Server\database.fdb.

    You should select both the database and license during the service installation, therefore making this step unneeded.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    I don't understand anymore to tell you. If I said I don't want to do the steps I wrote :
    1. Run command.exe
    2. c:\cd program files
    3. c:\program files>cd microsoft business solutions-navision
    4. c:\program files>microsoft business solutions-navision>cd database server
    5.c:\program files>microsoft business solutions-navision>database server>server.exe
    then my server is running and can be accessed by client in other computer after do the above steps.
    when go home, I must press Esc and Enter

    it means that all things from determining license, database, location, services, hosts have been completely done.
    Now I've got the answer, view this link:

    to BlackTiger:
    You should post not to say "read the documentation", but answer. your post is not answer. I reject it back to your home...

    to Bbrown and mbmartinwa:
    tku for the support
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