R393 Suggest Vendor Payments - License Problem

KappeKappe Member Posts: 64

On of our customers has a problem with the report 393.
And I don't have a clue what It could be...

The errormessage says:
You don't have the permission to modify records in the Vendor Ledger Entry table.

The Debugger stops in R393 in the GetVendLedgEntries function.
I set the VendLedgEntry.Modify bold where it stopps.

IF VendLedgEntry.FIND('-') THEN
IF (VendLedgEntry."Accepted Pmt. Disc. Tolerance") OR
(VendLedgEntry."Accepted Payment Tolerance" <> 0)
VendLedgEntry."Accepted Pmt. Disc. Tolerance" := FALSE;
VendLedgEntry."Accepted Payment Tolerance" := 0;
UNTIL VendLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;

But now to my problem...
I used roman's license overview report from the download section.
And there I get the information that I have within the customer license the right to read, to modify, to delete and to Execute the table 25 (Vendor Ledger entry).

So in my opinion I have the license permission to run the report without any problems.
Or I should so.

The Report has the Version NAVW13.70.00.11,AR3.70.04.
The AR is a german AddOn.

Thanks in advance!




  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    No, this means, that the report needs to have set indirect permissions to modify this Ledger Entry table. In customer license the table is possible to change just through objects, which have appropriate rights to do that. And in this case, the objects does not have the rights...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • KappeKappe Member Posts: 64
    edited 2006-07-24
    Hello kine

    Does that mean I must change this standard Nav report or is this a Bug within this report?

    I mean I have got this report so within the german AddOn package from MS.


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    In my Navision 4.00SP1 copy I have this code which is correct for me:
    IF VendLedgEntry.FIND('-') THEN
        IF (VendLedgEntry."Accepted Pmt. Disc. Tolerance") OR
          (VendLedgEntry."Accepted Payment Tolerance" <> 0)
        THEN BEGIN
          VendLedgEntry."Accepted Pmt. Disc. Tolerance" := FALSE;
          VendLedgEntry."Accepted Payment Tolerance" := 0;
      UNTIL VendLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;

    The call of codeunit VendEntryEdit is what you need to correctly change the vendor ledger entry...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • KappeKappe Member Posts: 64
    Hello Kine

    Our customer has a 3.70B running.
    Sorry I forgot to write that in my first posting.
    When I give the report the permission on the table 25 it works.
    But for me it looks like a little Bug.


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Yes, it is a bug, fixed in NAV 4.0. From changelog:
    A475) License Error When Running Report 393
    You could get a licence error when running Suggest Vendor Payment in connection with Payment Tolerance.
    This has been corrected
    Table 81 Gen. Journal Line
    Report 393 Suggest Vendor Payments
    Codeunit 113 Vend. Entry-Edit

    Service system reference: DE-29-92-ALAY
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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