US Sales Tax Modul

jfreyjfrey Member Posts: 43
Does anybody know the US Sales Tax Modul? We are using NAV 3.7 and we should use for our subsidary in Texas that modul. Is it possible, for several delivery addresses for the same customer to have different Sales Taxes?



NAV 3.7 with Server W2000, SQL2000 and Citrix Metaframe
Navision 3.70, SQL Server 2000, Citrix Metaframe


  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    US sales tax law is calculated based on where the item was sold to. So yes, if your customer have multiple locations, you would calculate sales tax differently for each of those locations (assuming they fall under different tax jurisdications).
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    The ship to address for each customer can have a different sales tax code.

    You do need to use the ship to address feature, not just manaul enter the shipping address on an invoice or sales order. If you do that, it pulls the sales tax from the customer card. not the separate ship-to address. So, you will need to buy the ship-to address granule

    We had our solution center, add a few fields to the post code table, defualt tax code, and they made a program change so when we set up a new customer the tax code is filled in based on the zip code entered, this way our employees do not have to try and figure out the correct code.

    The ship-to address code was also modified to do the same thing. This way the default is to charge the proper tax, if the customer is non-taxable because of a resale certificate on file, we just manully change the tax code on the customer card and ship-to address.

    What you might also want to do is set up a will call address for all your customers at the branch they buy from, this should have the tax code of your store in it. Other wise they will be taxed based on the business address rather then the store tax rate. Which in california can be very different. There are more then 50 tax jurisdictions to keep track of.
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