Hi All,
I have to send automatically a Sales Invoice report with Windows Fax service using Customer Fax No.
I have already search the forum, but most of the topics talks about sending faxes using programs such Zetafax,... I have tried some embedded code that I found in the forum, but it doesn't work.
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance.
I've made a solution for that problem, but it's NOT based on windows fax services, because I couldn't pass any parameters to the fax engine, except manualy.
My solution is based on GFI Fax-server for sending faxes and PDF995 to create pdf. The solution will first convert the report to a pdf, so you get the same output as your printer should do. Then the pdf is sended to any faxno you want, could be directly the customer fax no if you start from sales invoice report.
It is no problem to demonstrate to you.
Has anyone already try to use an automation within CAL to do so ?
Thanks !
And this was a sample I found online
Private Sub TestFAXCOMLib(strTestFaxNumber As String)
Dim objFaxServer As FAXCOMLib.FaxServer
Dim objFaxDocument As FAXCOMLib.FaxDoc
Dim strFILE_TO_FAX As String
Dim JobId
Set objFaxServer = New FAXCOMLib.FaxServer
objFaxServer.Connect (vbNullString)
Set objFaxDocument = objFaxServer.CreateDocument("Test")
strFILE_TO_FAX = CurrentProject.Path & "\TestFaxDocument.txt"
objFaxDocument.FileName = strFILE_TO_FAX
objFaxDocument.FaxNumber = strTestFaxNumber
End Sub
Private Sub btnSEND_FAX_Click()
Call TestFAXCOMLib("416-111-1111")
End Sub[url][/url]