Adding users when using SQL server

Debbie140Debbie140 Member Posts: 52
I have a problem where when adding a user to a SQL based version of navision I get the error 'can not add user, databases have not been synchronised, user is not in SQL server' .This is known to happen after a DB has been restored and the login is not in the security section but this is a new user beig added after the DB has been sychronised. You could possibly get around it by adding the login to SQL first bbut I didn't think this was the way navision worked I thought you added them into navision and it dealt with the SQL side for you. I have tested this on other navision implementaions and appear to get the same.

Anyone got any thoughts?


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    I don't know about that. Once upon a time I got a message saying 'the user does not exist on SQL Server', so I added it myself and assumed that was how it works. It is the way I add users now and I never looked back, and I haven't had a single user problem since.
  • girish.joshigirish.joshi Member Posts: 407
    This happens for database logins. The database login has to exist on SQL server, and if so, the sync. will work (it will give the user access to the database).
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Yes, users must exist in the SQL as well, because upon synchronization, user rights in NAV will be configured at database level as well, which is handy if you use external reporting tools (or just views in Excel or whatever).

    I think the right way to go is to write an SQL script that checks users in the NAV User table and adds the ones that do not exist in the SQL to the SQL.
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