I did read some documentation about setting user roles but I have some blanks.
If I have line like this:
Object Type Object ID Object Name Read Permission Insert Permission Modify Permission Delete Permission Execute Permission Security Filter
Form 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
that means that user with that role has all permissions on all forms.
Same goes for Table Data, Table,....
I'm I wright?
What if I want to restrict some users (role) from opening some form?
What should I do?
If I add a line just for that form whit only read permission then it doesn't work.
Basically, what I now think is that I can't give all the permissions and then take it away for just one form (or any other object type).
For example, if I want to give all the permissions for all forms except for form 88 I should do what?
Better to be critical then self-critical
You have to give permissions for each form in the database.
You can make some reversetool that does it for you, but that is customisation.
This is very frustrating way to setup permissions.
I hoped I was wrong but...
Thanks for quick replay.
If I give all permissions to certain form that doesn't mean that user can change, add,... data in that form's source table?
Am I wright?
If I want to do it in that way I would have to add permissions for that tables to that form object (trough permission property)!
Am I wright?
Is there any better way?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Using the permissions, you would need to explicitly define all forms that you want a user to have. by allowing Form 0, that will allow access to all forms.
A common developemnt that i have used was putting a boolean field in the User setup table, and then checking this field to see if a user can open this form in the On Open trigger of the Form.
Again this would require development.
Good Luck with this.