Does anyone know how to post an invoice before we create a shipment document ? Our customer have this problem, since sometimes they have to issue the sales invoice before they ship the item.
Have you tried to uncheck sales and receivables set up field shipment on invoice..? if you do that, you can use sales invoice directly in the sales and marketing module or receivables functionality in Financial Management Module
Here is what we do, because if you look at it from an accounting stand point, if you haven't shipped the item, you can’t recognize the revenue. Thinking that way then the solution is to not bill the items, but instead bill a pre-payment account.
add two lines to the invoice, both type G/L and use a clearing account, could be called prepaid invoice, anything you want.
on the first line make it a positive number and invoice that line first, this bills the customer like you want, without shipping inventory.
then when you are ready to ship the items, ship and invoice the remain items and the second g/l line, but this time make the g/l line negative.
this negative line will clear the holding account and make the invoice net to zero, this removes the inventory, recognizes the revenue in the proper period and requires no modifications.
If you do this, you create 2 posted Invoices, which are not linked (the Navigate function doesn't show both Invoices).
The component works about the samen, but creates just 1 Invoice.
If you do this, you create 2 posted Invoices, which are not linked (the Navigate function doesn't show both Invoices).
The component works about the samen, but creates just 1 Invoice.
Yes, it does create two invoiced, which it should do, because you are invoicing two separate times, once for the prepayment, and once for the items. Your auditors will prefer two invoices, at least ours does
detail in:
add two lines to the invoice, both type G/L and use a clearing account, could be called prepaid invoice, anything you want.
on the first line make it a positive number and invoice that line first, this bills the customer like you want, without shipping inventory.
then when you are ready to ship the items, ship and invoice the remain items and the second g/l line, but this time make the g/l line negative.
this negative line will clear the holding account and make the invoice net to zero, this removes the inventory, recognizes the revenue in the proper period and requires no modifications.
The component works about the samen, but creates just 1 Invoice.
If I uncheck the shipment on invoice field, it still reduce the inventory.
I think we can use the work around by creating the two invoice lines.